PopSQL vs. DataGrip
PopSQL is trusted by 2000+ of the world's top data teams
Turn that 6 month data project into 3 months
Dive into your data with the best-in-class SQL editor built with rapid deep data exploration in mind.
Speed up workflows across teams with a robust Slack integration, custom alerting, dbt integration, and export options 🚀
Create beautiful dashboards and charts to make insights accessible to the business with a single click.
Do more with less resources
Enchant your business stakeholders with elegant visuals and easy to use self-serve reporting filters.
Never start a query from scratch with advanced search and discovery.
Speed up the delivery of insights with "on demand" dashboard apps, version control, powerful autocomplete, data definitions, and schema intelligence.
Securely manage the accessibility of your databases with granular permissions for users of all levels.
Boost data literacy and self-service with a built-in data catalog ðŸ§
Automate critical, time-sensitive insights to quickly act on high value signups, churn risk customers, and upsell potentials.
"Shareable queries and real-time collaboration are a game changer."
See how PopSQL stacks up against DataGrip
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