PopSQL version historyVersion history

Version history for SQL queries

PopSQL tracks changes so you can maintain high caliber code and deliver accurate insights.

PopSQL version history view
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PopSQL is trusted by 2000+ of the world's top data teams

Manage & govern team queries

Improve collaboration & trust

Don’t let your team lose their work or rewrite queries from scratch.

Improve collaboration & trust with PopSQL

Deliver accurate insights

Bring peer review to your SQL queries and get more accurate data analysis.

Deliver accurate insights with PopSQL

Never lose your work

  • PopSQL fork / revert changes

    Fork / revert changes

    Made a mistake? Revert your changes with a click. Alternatively, you can work off your teammates’ queries while keeping the original untouched.

  • View diffs with PopSQL

    View diffs

    See a diff of your changes so you can understand how your query has evolved.

  • PopSQL auto-save


    PopSQL automatically saves your queries so you’ll never lose your work.

  • Use PopSQL to integrate with your git repo

    Integrate with your Git repo

    Two-way sync with your existing GitHub or GitLab repository.

Why PopSQL?

PopSQL enables your team to leverage existing infrastructure and tooling, elevating your workflow.

Enterprise grade security illustration

Enterprise grade security

SOC 2 and GDPR compliance, SSO/SCIM integrations, versatile database connectivity, and precise access controls.

Useful APIs illustration

Useful APIs

API endpoints for query management and scheduling.

Connect to Git illustration

Connect to Git

Keep track of every change and review PRs with Git.

PopSQL is trusted by the best

Trusted by the best

Hear firsthand from our esteemed customers about what sets us apart.

  • Mike Doll profile pic

    Mike Doll

    Head of Data & Analytics, Udacity

    There weren't any tools on the market with a comparable solution.

    Read case study
  • Fabi Prabhakar profile pic

    Fabi Prabhakar

    Engineering Director, Branch

    I couldn't find another tool that was as pricing friendly and did what we needed the way PopSQL does.

    Read case study
  • Cody Clayton profile pic

    Cody Clayton

    Analytics Lead, theScore

    With the team now all working remotely, we found it so much easier to use Shared Connections via SSH.

  • Robert Ma profile pic

    Robert Ma

    Business Operations, Darwin

    Shareable queries and real time in-app collaboration are a game changer.

    Read case study
  • Steve Strates profile pic

    Steve Strates

    Software Engineer, Scruff

    Query variables make it easier for people to have access to data that matters without knowing SQL.

  • Peter Du profile pic

    Peter Du

    Data Scientist, Drop

    Looker has a lot of predefined things, but PopSQL gives me more flexibility for writing SQL and visualizing it straight away.

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The most powerful workspace for data teams