New Integration: Stream Results Directly to Google Sheets

September 9th, 2023
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Introducing a new integration with Google Sheet! Now, you can seamlessly stream your query results right into Google Sheets from PopSQL.

  • Direct Streaming: Stream results directly to Google Sheets without having to wait for them to load in PopSQL and copy-paste results. This ensures a smoother experience, especially with large results.

  • Ease of Setup: All it takes is a simple authentication with your Google account. Once you approve the PopSQL app within Google Sheets, you're all set to use this integration.

  • Performance and Stability: Worried about large results slowing down your PopSQL app or browser? Fear not! Since results aren't cached in PopSQL with this method, your app won't slow down or crash.

  • Use Case Clarity: While this feature shines for one-time exports of results to Google Sheets, if you're looking to refresh data periodically and push it to Sheets, we recommend using PopSQL's CSV links feature with scheduled queries.

  • Results Limitations: While PopSQL doesn't cap the size of your results, remember that Google Sheets has a ceiling of 10 million cells per sheet.

With PopSQL's new Google Sheets integration you can collaborate and capitalize on your data in a familiar, user-friendly environment. Dive in today and redefine how you visualize and share your insights!

Check out a demo video in the docs.

Note: This feature currently only works for cloud connections to Postgres, Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake, Trino, Presto, Materialize. Support will be added for other connection types soon.

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