Roundup of Small Updates and Squashed Bugs

May 25th, 2022

Small Updates

  • We have deprecated all solo users on our app. If you are one of our early users who was still on a solo plan, when you open the app, you will now be asked to set up an organization.

  • In chart options, when you are selecting the time factor for the x-axis, we have now put it in order of time granularity (e.g. exact, second, minute) instead of alphabetical

  • We've updated the colors for when parts of a query are highlighted by multiple users, so the text is still easy to read

Squashed Bugs 🪲

  • We had an issue last week where some queries were left in a running state. We've now fixed the issue and increased monitoring for this piece of infrastructure.

  • We had another issue where queries were duplicating themselves and becoming really long, freezing the app. This issue has been fully resolved.

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