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dbt Cheat Sheet: 11 dbt Commands You Need to Know

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on dbt commands. dbt is a powerful tool used by data analysts and engineers to transform data in their warehouses. It follows the principles of transformations as code, version control, modularity, and testing. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the essential dbt commands, provide descriptions for each, and offer syntax examples to help you understand their usage. Let’s dive in!

Understanding dbt commands

dbt commands are the primary way you’ll interact with dbt. Each command performs a specific action in your dbt project, from creating a new project to running transformations and tests. Understanding these commands and their functions is crucial to effectively using dbt.

Basic dbt commands

dbt init

This command creates a new dbt project. It sets up the necessary directory structure and provides some example models to get you started. Here’s how you use it:

dbt init my_new_project

dbt debug

This command checks your dbt project setup. It verifies that your profiles.yml file is set up correctly, that dbt can connect to your data warehouse, and that all dependencies are installed. Here’s how you use it:

dbt debug

dbt deps

This command is used to download and manage the dbt packages that your project depends on. It reads your packages.yml file and installs all the packages listed there. Here’s how you use it:

dbt deps

dbt clean

This command cleans up your dbt project by deleting the dbt_modules and target directories. It’s useful when you want to ensure that you’re working with the most recent versions of your dbt packages and models. Here’s how you use it:

dbt clean

Data Loading and Transformation

dbt seed

This command loads CSV files into your data warehouse. It’s useful when you have small data files that you want to use in your transformations. Here’s how you use it:

dbt seed

dbt run

This command runs transformations in your dbt project. It uses the model SQL files in your project to transform your raw data into analysis-ready tables. Here’s how you use it:

dbt run

dbt snapshot

This command is used to track changes in your data over time. It’s useful when you have slowly changing dimensions and you want to keep a history of changes. Here’s how you use it:

dbt snapshot

Testing in dbt

dbt test

This command runs tests in your dbt project. It’s used to ensure that your transformations are working as expected and that your data meets the defined quality standards. Here’s how you use it:

dbt test

dbt compile

This command compiles your dbt project to check for errors. It doesn’t run the transformations, but it does generate the SQL that would be run, which can be useful for debugging. Here’s how you use it:

dbt compile

Documentation and Metadata

dbt docs generate

This command generates documentation for your dbt project. It reads your model, test, and schema files and creates a set of documentation that describes your project. Here’s how you use it:

dbt docs generate

dbt docs serve

This command serves your dbt project documentation locally, allowing you to view it in your web browser. Here’s how you use it:

dbt docs serve


By now, you should have a good understanding of the essential dbt commands and how to use them in your data transformation projects. Remember, practice is key when it comes to mastering these commands. So, don’t hesitate to create your own dbt project and start transforming data!

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