How to Use nullif() in PostgreSQL

The nullif() function returns a null value, if a the value of the field/column defined by the first parameter equals that of the second. Otherwise, it will return the original value. Here's an example below:

  nullif(platform,'Did not specify') as platform_mod
from users;
   name    |    platform     | platform_mod
 Steve     | Mac             | Mac
 Bill      | Windows         | Windows
 Linus     | Linux           | Linux
 Beth      | Did not specify |

Note that nullif() is only capable of replacing one value with null. If you need to replace multiple values, you can use the CASE function.

    when platform = 'Mac' then null
    when platform = 'Windows' then null
    when platform = 'Linux' then null
    else platform
  end as platform_mod
from users;
   name    |    platform     | platform_mod
 Steve     | Mac             |
 Bill      | Windows         |
 Linus     | Linux           |
 Beth      | Did not specify | Did not specify
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